Setting up a public benefit foundation

The entrepreneur Karl Zünd from Altstätten in the Swiss canton of St Gall has been active as a philanthropist for many years. In 2014, on the occasion of 30th anniversary of the founding of his company, he decided to establish a foundation as a vehicle for his commitment. He requested me to help with the setting-up of the public benefit “Karl Zünd Foundation” from the very outset. Thus over several sessions I worked out with him what were his particular interests, in which areas his foundation could become involved and who should sit on the foundation board. We then conducted a workshop with people that he trusted where we set out the objectives and fields of action of the foundation and discussed an appropriate strategy.

I worked closely with the future members of the foundation board on the founding deed and the corresponding regulations, doing only what the parties themselves could not or did not want to do. Various clarifications were required in respect of the founding deed and tax exempt status, as many matters in Switzerland are handled differently from canton to canton.

The founder and the other two members of the foundation board still invite me to their meetings as they see fit.

More examples

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    Foundations’ cooperation for wetlands

    Since 2012, I have been in charge of the project “Enhancing Nature Protection in Europe” for the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation. Building on this, in 2020 I was able to propose a foundation cooperation to the MAVA Foundation for Nature to jointly advance nature conservation in wetlands.

  • Management of the Solar Cooperative Liechtenstein

    Management of the Solar Cooperative Liechtenstein

    Back in 2015, I had the opportunity to take stock of where the Solar Cooperative Liechtenstein stands. When it was looking for a new managing director in 2019, I was asked if I could take on this task on a mandate basis.

  • Nature conservation in Eastern Europe

    Nature conservation in Eastern Europe

    I was able to set up a number of conservation projects in Eastern Europe for a foundation.

  • Fair Future – Werkstatt Faire Zukunft

    Fair Future – Werkstatt Faire Zukunft

    I set up the “Werkstatt Faire Zukunft” (Fair Future Workshop) on behalf of Dr Peter Goop, a lawyer and philanthropist from Vaduz, Liechtenstein.